Core strength after C-Section - why it matters






As a physiotherapist and Pilates instructor I assess and treat women post natally who want to strengthen their core. I've had two caesarean sections myself and I know first hand how beneficial Pilates can be to aid recovery after 9 months of pregnancy but also major abdominal surgery. After I had my first baby I was given some information about pelvic floor exercises and how to get out of bed safely but after a long labour that ended in an unplanned C-Section I wasn't able to take on much information. Thankfully I was a physio who had plenty of experience with patients after all types of surgery so I had a fair idea how to manage. After my daughter was born I received no advise what so ever. Many women contact me for advise because they to had a similar experience.

So why improve your core muscles after C-Section?

  • To support healing: During a C-section an incision is made through 7 layers of tissue including the abdominal muscles which play a crucial role in maintaining core stability. By completing some gentle movements you will be bringing blood flow and oxygen to the area and help the healing process.
  • To restore function: Our core muscles are used in everyday movements such as bending, lifting and carrying. Restoring core muscles after C-Section ensures that you can return to everyday activities with minimal strain on other parts of the body.
  • To prevent low back pain as the core muscles support the spine.
  • To improve posture: As a strong core supports the low back which has a subsequent influence on neck posture.
  • To enhance pelvic floor health: As core strength is interconnected with the pelvic floor muscles then improving your abdominals will also aid in the recovery of the pelvic floor muscles which can be affected by pregnancy.
  • To aid future pregnancies: After my first C-Section another pregnancy was not on my radar but you never know. Never say neve and a strong core will be important for future pregnancies.
  • To return to previous sports or hobbies: As your core muscles are used in everyday activities they will also be important as you return to previous sports or hobbies. As I play tennis it was really important for me to improve my core strength.

Do you want to learn how to get started with core exercises post C-Section? This programme has targeted workout videos specifically to support your recovery journey.